What is a psychic empath?

Understanding the Psychic Empath

A psychic empath has the uncanny capacity to perceive the emotional and mental state of other people. While this capacity has often been called a gift, it can also leave the individual susceptible to overstimulation by certain people and situations. For this reason, psychic empaths often tend to be withdrawn and often exhibit behavior that is hard to understand, even to other psychic empaths.

A psychic empath has often been likened to a sponge that absorbs the energies they contact. Although it is critical to their emotional and mental well-being, setting boundaries does not come naturally to the psychic and they tend to set the needs of others far above their own. After all, the psychic empath typically feels a deeper affinity to the mental and emotional state of others than they feel an understanding of their own mental and emotional state.

Here are a few notable characteristics that can help you identify and better understand the psychic empath you will encounter.

Psychic Empaths can Be Deeply Affected by Closeness and Intimacy

The psychic empath is hypersensitive to the connections made with others and this can cause them to withdraw from a close relationship. Many people are blissfully unaware of the emotional and mental energies they emit, either positive or negative. For this reason, a close relationship can greatly affect a psychic empath and make it difficult to manage romantic relationships and even work closely with other people.

The Empath Is Greatly Impacted by the Crowd

Imagine, if you will, sitting in an auditorium filled with a thousand musicians all playing their instruments and pieces of music with vim and vigor. It would be very difficult to hear or appreciate any particular piece of music. Now, imagine that half of those people were doing nothing more than clanging pots and pans together, the cacophony would be unbearable. This is how it feels for an empath in a crowd of people broadcasting their positive and negative energies like humans do. The emotional reception can actually affect the empath physically and cause them to withdraw from social engagements.

Self-Isolation is Relief

psychic empathBecause they are so sensitive to the people around them, the psychic empath will often choose to isolate themselves or find peace in the company of a mere handful of people. Shutting out the input of the outside world allows the psychic empath to gain a measure of control and serenity. Psychic empaths are often found exploring the natural world in complete solitude, locked away in their homes or buried in the wonders of a good book. Many psychic empaths find relief in meditation.

One or More than One of the Senses Are Especially Sharp

Often psychic empaths will have another sense with next-level acuity. This means they may be greatly fascinated or repulsed by certain tactile sensations, tastes, odors, sounds, or sights. A psychic empath may choose to lower the music that everyone else is enjoying or be especially revolted by the smell of a durian fruit.

Especially Adept at Divination

Psychic empaths are especially susceptible to their internal intuition. This allows the psychic empath to employ a wide variety of divination techniques to explore their world and help others better understand their own psychic projections. For example, palmistry, pyromancy and especially numerology allows the psychic to understand their world from a perspective they understand. Psychic empaths have a strong connection to the angel number 1212 and angel number 555.